June 10, 2022

On June 8, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported Plastikon Healthcare's voluntarily recall of one lot of Milk of Magnesia 2,400 mg/10 ml oral suspension, one lot of Milk of Magnesia 2,400 mg/30 ml oral suspension, 11 lots of magnesium hydroxide 1,200 mg/aluminum hydroxide 1,200 mg/simethicone 120 mg per 30 ml oral suspension, and two lots of magnesium hydroxide 2,400 mg/aluminum hydroxide 2,400 mg/simethicone 240 mg per 30 ml oral suspension to the consumer level because of microbial contamination.

June 10, 2022

As I walk into the exam room, isolation mask and eye protection on against the COVID-19 pandemic, my heart feels heavy with the reality of the day, of this moment, of these years.

June 09, 2022

Clinicians have an implicit—if not explicit—obligation to advocate for their patients. However, as health care’s complexity increases, independent advocates can help patients navigate systematic challenges throughout the continuum. Independent advocates follow the patient, not the reimbursement constraints, a chief distinction between us and clinical, facility, or agency case managers.

June 03, 2022

On June 2, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported a cybersecurity vulnerability that affects software in the Illumina NextSeq 550Dx, MiSeqDx, NextSeq 500, NextSeq 550, MiSeq, iSeq, and MiniSeq next generation sequencing instruments. The devices are used in diagnostic (Dx), research-use only (RUO), or dual boot (either Dx or RUO) modes. 

June 03, 2022

As a healthcare provider, I had been warned about getting too close to my patients. They told me that it was unprofessional, it would cloud my judgment, it would lead to emotional burnout, and various other reasons. For my first year as a nurse, I took that advice to heart and kept my emotional distance while still doing my best to provide care to the whole patient. Then one night I met Jeff, and everything changed.