September 06, 2019

On September 3, 2019, AmEx Pharmacy issued a voluntary recall of two dosages of injectable bevacizumab. Although injectable bevacizumab is used in cancer treatment, the formulations affected by the recall are for much smaller dosages that are used to treat eye diseases (i.e., macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy).

September 05, 2019

Health care is a top domestic issue for U.S. voters, and the president is speaking more and more about his administration’s plans to find accessible, affordable healthcare options for millions of Americans. Speaking this summer at the Better Medicare Alliance in Washington, DC, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar outlined three key points where the Trump administration plans to improve health care.

September 04, 2019

The cancer prevention conversation is tricky for providers to navigate. Not surprisingly, people want to do everything it their power to prevent cancer. But sometimes conversations involve uncomfortable elements of health care—like sex or sexually transmitted diseases—that can quickly derail the discussion. Despite this, the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is one case where prevention efforts have a led to huge increases in participation, especially among children.

September 03, 2019

U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) chapter <800> provides safety measures for all healthcare workers in any setting where hazardous drugs (HDs) are used in the health system. For situations from the initial delivery of the drug to the institution through administration and disposal, USP <800> provides a vast number of safety measures intended to minimize risk and potential exposure to HDs. To meet the new requirements, medical institutions and pharmacies have had to make significant changes in various systems.

September 03, 2019

Police officers wear body armor and construction workers wear hard hats. Why? Because these professions carry inherent dangers in the line of duty­—and oncology nursing does too. Statistically, healthcare workers face more workplace-related dangers than both law enforcement and construction, yet attention to safety and personal protection isn’t always a central focus. This can be especially true in cancer care, where nurses are required to administer hazardous drugs (HDs) and handle dangerous medications on a daily basis.

September 03, 2019

From New Hampshire to Arizona, millions of American families are confronted by the impact of opioid addiction. It’s one of the few remaining bipartisan issues on which the U.S. Congress continues to agree. Its reach is pervasive, it’s an international and domestic issue, and it has led politicians to cross the aisle and work together. Finding initiatives and funding programs to enact real solutions has become a national priority, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is earmarking nearly $400 million to fight the ongoing opioid epidemic.

September 02, 2019

A patient is rushed to the emergency room, diagnosed, and taken to surgery immediately. The patient recovers, but weeks later a bill arrives beyond any expectation, and too often ability, to be paid. This practice has become so routine that it has its own name: balance billing or, more commonly, surprise medical billing. It strikes many Americans with the burden of their ailment once again.