April 05, 2024

On April 5, 2024, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted accelerated approval to fam-trastuzumab deruxtecan-nxki (Enhertu®) for adult patients with unresectable or metastatic HER2-positive (IHC3+) solid tumors who have received prior systemic treatment and have no satisfactory alternative treatment options. It is one of seven anticancer agents with a tumor-agnostic FDA approval.

April 03, 2024

A significant portion of young patients with breast cancer have concerns about fertility, but only 20% of them pursue fertility preservation. Published in Cancer Medicine, new study findings highlight the importance of providing patient education about fertility preservation and the effects of cancer treatment on fertility as well as addressing barriers to fertility care.

April 02, 2024

A few years ago, ONS member Amy Gundelach, RN, MSN, AG-CNS-BC, OCN®, survivorship program coordinator at the University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center in Albuquerque, was managing two male patients—a 25-year-old and a 30-year-old—who were seeking a survivorship support group of young adult peers and a survivorship therapist for young adults. She discovered that her institution didn’t have any materials tailored specifically tailored for young adult cancer survivors’ needs, compared to their older counterparts.

March 29, 2024

A 34-gene signature can predict the behavior of meningiomas more accurately than microscopic pathology, researchers reported in Nature Medicine. Meningiomas, the most common type of central nervous system tumor, generally are benign, but their behavior has been difficult to predict based on pathology. The study is a major step forward in managing meningiomas and could lead to more effective, personalized treatment.

March 28, 2024

Using a formal framework for a team debriefing after an emotionally challenging critical event can create a positive learning experience, initiate process improvements, and ultimately offer nurses and other healthcare professionals psychological support that reduces burnout and compassion fatigue, ONS members Molly Joyce, MSN, APRN, OCN®, and Joanne Itano, RN, PhD, reported in an article published in the February 2024 issue of the Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing.