Joint Strategic Planning Allows ONS Enterprise to Achieve Shared Goals

December 06, 2021

The ONS, Oncology Nursing Foundation, and Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation Boards of Directors all held their in-person meetings concurrently in early November. One day was committed to joint strategic alignment work with executive leadership staff. Consultants led the group through a strategic alignment session to identify the top themes across the Enterprise to build overarching goals for the three organizations by early 2022. All of the boards are developing individual strategic plans that will begin in 2023.

During its meeting, the ONS Board discussed and made decisions on many other items, including the following highlighted topics.

ONS Guidelines™

Staff updated the Board on the work for future guidelines. The Oral Oncolytics Adherence guideline development is on track to publish in spring 2022, and work is starting on the Guidance to Support Staffing Decisions for Ambulatory Infusion Centers guideline. The guidelines team is also evaluating the use, benefit, and impact of the initial five symptom management guidelines to inform future work.

Budgets and Finances

The Board reviewed ONS’s investments, asset allocations, and financial reports and approved the 2022 budgets.

Leadership Development Committee

The Board reviewed the selection process for committee applicants and approved extending Donald "Chip" Bailey Jr.’s, PhD, RN, FAAN, term as chair for one year.

Oncology Nursing Foundation

The ONS Board approved the Oncology Nursing Foundation bylaws revisions to reflect the officer positions of president, president-elect, and a combined secretary/treasurer role. It also approved the appointment of Laura Benson, RN, MS, ANP, as president-elect and Pearl Moore, RN, MN, FAAN, as secretary/treasurer beginning in 2022. Proposed appointments for the Foundation Board’s new trustees will be approved at the January ONS Board meeting.

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