ONS Board Holds First In-Person Meeting Since 2019

November 08, 2021

During a crisp fall week on September 22–24, 2021, the ONS Board of Directors met in person for the first time since 2019. Dynamics are different when everyone is in the same room, and the Board embraced the energy it infused into its work. Here are some of the important topics they discussed, and ONS members can read the complete minutes from the three-day meeting at ons.org/board-minutes.

LDC Appointment Process

The Board finalized the process for appointing members to the Leadership Development Committee (LDC). An open call for applications for 2022 LDC appointments was planned for October 2021.

Position Statements and White Papers

Final revisions to ONS’s policy for the creation and maintenance of positions and white papers were presented, accepted, and approved.

Investment Policy

To ensure ONS’s financial well-being, the Board conducted its periodical review of the investment policy with investment consultants and made no changes. The policy achieves the overall investment objective of producing sufficient income and capital growth levels to support ONS’s mission and strategic plan while protecting the principal.

Membership Discussion

The Board reviewed new membership data that staff collected at its request to inform future decision-making.

Oncology Nursing Foundation Proposed Officer Model

Oncology Nursing Foundation President Tracy K. Gosselin, PhD, RN, AOCN®, NEA-BC, FAAN, presented a proposed new officer model for the Foundation Board of Trustees: combining the secretary and treasurer into one position and adding a president-elect. The Board supported the changes and asked the Foundation to submit a bylaws revision for formal approval at a future meeting.

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