June 15, 2023

Prepare for the silver tsunami—experts predict that the number of older adults with cancer, those aged 65 and older, will double by 2035. Oncology APRNs have a pivotal role in their care, understanding patients’ values and preferences to facilitate informed decision-making. But communication can be difficult when patients have comorbid geriatric syndromes such as cognitive deficits, delirium, and depression.

June 14, 2023

A battalion of trained nurse reinforcements is waiting just outside the U.S. borders, eager to help alleviate the nursing shortage, but the system that lets international nurses enter and work in the United States is heavily congested. And according to the U.S. State Department’s June 2023 Visa Bulletin, the backlog is only worsening.

June 14, 2023

More than two-thirds of patients who identify as LGBTQ+ lack at least one vital health education resource tailored to their identity, researchers reported in study findings presented at the 15th American Association for Cancer Research Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved. Additionally, nearly three-quarters of those patients desire posttreatment plans that include LGBTQ+ specific information.

June 13, 2023

Less than 20% of National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program practices routinely report collecting sexual orientation and gender identity data, limiting the available evidence to support recommendations for oncology nursing care of a vulnerable LGBTQ+ population that faces biases, stigma, cultural insensitivity, inequities, and disparities. In a 2022 Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing article, ONS member Georgina T.

June 08, 2023

The physical and emotional side effects of cancer treatments can force patients to make undesired lifestyle changes. After treatment ends, their friends and family may expect them to resume their former roles and activities, yet long-term effects can leave patients discouraged. When compared with healthy peers, cancer survivors experience higher levels of pain, depression, and anxiety, which can decrease their motivation to make healthy choices. Culture, coping style, and socioeconomic status may further compound the issue.

June 06, 2023

As the founder of the LGBTQ+ Coordination of Care Consult Service and co-chair for the LGBTQI+ Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC) at Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) Cancer Center in New York, NY, Kelly Haviland, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, an advanced practice provider manager of professional development, is combatting the systemic disparities that LGBTQI+ patients with cancer face in accessing care.

June 05, 2023

Our minds often make connections between the information we consume from various sources. I recently did that with articles, news programs, and social media. First, I read a viewpoint in the American Nurse Journal titled “Do I Still Belong?” Rushton outlined the complex concept of belonging in addressing the current state of nursing and nurses leaving their jobs and the profession. She described a multidimensional concept of belonging to ourselves, our patients, our profession, and the role or position we hold.